Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Projuct 2: Master Plan Development

The major aspects to be looked with the development of the site include wind direction, sun position, traffic conditions, future develop of Torquay, community integration and the integration of indigenous planting.

This was the rough schematic layout that Mel, Koula and I worked out for our master plan. The bubble diagram enabled us to indicated simply where we thought the different faculties could possibly go and the spaces that may be created between them.

Working out our central axis we further developed the buildings, giving them variable form and connection with eachother, dependant on orientation an spesific landscaping. We also began thinking of the car parking solution, building orientation inregard to achieve sustainability as well as their relation with each other. It was difficult to find a solution to the parking as major conjestion problems were already existing with the recent increase in population the the Torquay local.

Our solution was to include a specific bus zone with its own entry to encourage public transport (also being the environmentally friendly soltion to transportation). We also included a teachers and visitor parking, with adjacent sepearate parent drop off and pick up zone.
Connected to the bus area is a separate car park for the fitness centre which may be used by the extended community before or after school hours. From this a maintenance road also connects giving passage to the wrest of the school.

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