Monday, September 8, 2008

Project 2: Master Plan Research

For the next part of the project we were asked to develop a brief and create a master plan for the design and construction of the Torquay College 10, 11,12 Senior School on the site of the SurfCoast Shire Council offices.
So after some much needed investigation we found some handy examples on the Design Share website
This website, relating to educational facility planning, provides exelent case studies of various interesting school designs from around the world.

We found the planning of Canning Vale High School in Perth Western Australia of particular interest, with the apparent intereaction between the buildings to provide outdoor spaces.

Also of interest was The example below of a school in Washington in America. Marysville Getchell High School has a well planed out traffic system that is benificial t the students attending the school as well as the locals living in the area in regards to the add on effect of congestion in neighouring streets . It incorporates a good pick up and drop off area for students. It also includes a bus pick up zone and designated parking areas which we will need to consider in ur own design.

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